Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Winners--BOTH of Them

I sit here watching American Idol. I find myself every season trying to justify why I’m so intrigued with this show, and I’ve finally decided that I don’t want to have to justify it anymore … I like it because I like it. Period. Just because I’m more than old enough to be the mother of anyone who might find themselves in that top spot, why is that a reason I should hide in the corner when I say one or the other is my “favorite?”

So it is that tonight there are two 24-year olds standing on the precipice of stardom. In fact, the truth is that both of them have already won. The history of American Idol shows that oftentimes the runner-up flies when the winner simply slides.

And I just can’t help but smile when I look at
Lee DeWyze. Yes, Crystal Bowersox is an incredible musician. Yes, she’s cute. Yes, she’s a mother. Yes, she’s a woman. And if she takes the #1 spot—good for her. But if Lee is the Big Winner? I’m going to have to quote Ellen DeGeneres on this one, “I couldn’t be prouder if I birthed” him myself.

Why is that? He’s got a quality that can’t be named. He’s a natural, and there’s no other way to pinpoint it. A shy smile. A way about him that doesn’t assume he’s going to be the best … just listen to him, though, and you know he’s got it in him. He doesn’t have to tell you. He doesn’t even have to stand on the stage and act like the king of that stage because what he is already tells you he’s exactly that—and so much more.

So Lee DeWyze, ex-paint store clerk … go for it. I’m Famous at 54 because I recognize it in you, no less than if I were your own mother. And you’re famous because, well, simply because YOU’RE Lee DeWyze. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. Step up to the plate and claim your prize.

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