Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Famous at 54

Can you “remember” something … even if you can’t literally recall it happening? Such is my “Famous at 54” idea. Recently I’ve “memory” of waaaay back when, bumbling through my 20s, entering a white house on the roadside to see a psychic. I wasn’t alone. It was on a lark; I didn’t then, and don’t now, frequent psychics. Paying to hear about my future from a stranger looking into a crystal ball … never my style.

Still, my “memory” has me seeing that psychic in that white house on the side of that road. Those days I did a lot of THINKING about being a professional writer. I had 2 young kids, newly-married, and had many dreams but no knowledge how to make them alive. I asked the psychic if I’d become a famous published author and her reply angered me. She said, yes, I'd become a famous published author … when I was 54. My “remembered” response, “I have to wait THAT long?!”

Guess what? Real or imagined, whether or not I went to a psychic in my 20s and got a declaration of my future risen star … I turn 54 this weekend. While “famous” wouldn’t be the word I’d use, I’ve become author of multiple published articles and books, and have a writing career.

Now that I’ve “waited that long,” on the threshold of my advanced age … it’s not that old, and I’m amused at the childishness of my “remembered” response. What did I think? I’d just “POOF!” and be the best thing since, oh, Rosemary Rogers, no effort? I guess that’s what I thought.

I’ve wanted to do a blog for some time. I AM a writer, and in today’s world, how better to share than with a blog? So what’s taken me so long?! I guess it was this revelation that being “famous” is relative. It means what we want, and I believe we’re all famous for something.

Anyone reading this is famous. You … you … and YOU. That’s why “Famous at 54” is being birthed on the cusp of me entering that now-infamous 54th year. I’m famous … for using the word “peachy” all the time … as someone who LOVES Mexican food … as mother of 2 amazing young men whose lives took shape as I watched in total amazement … as friend of 3 other amazing young men who’ve become part of my life by choice … as Gramma Linda to 3 darling grandkids.

And I’m famous at 54 because I love my life.

What are YOU famous for? Celebrate with me. We’re in the Delight of our Days, here to find out what’s around that next corner, who’ll become a part of our lives … and what extraordinary achievement will soon be ours. I hope you’ll be “Famous at 54” even if you're “Famous at 50” or “Famous at 90,” or any age. Take a hop, skip, and jump down this road alongside me, giggle and play … and find the Famous Person inside you.

I’m Famous at 54, and I’m waiting for you! Join me soon, will you?


  1. Wow Linda, what took you so long to write a blog? This is wonderful! Although I'm not surprised at all. I have read "Reluctant Witness", so I already know how talented you are .... and in my eyes you are famous ... you are very famous.

    Me, I guess I may be famous for my curiousity, and penchant for re-inventing myself ... on a continous basis. Or, maybe for my inability to "think" before I say what's on my mind.

    However, what I think I'm famous for may not be what other people might think. I "think" if you really want to know what someone is famous for, you need to ask everyone ese. I would ...but I don't dare, lol.

  2. Thx, Debbie. You ARE famous ... because you change a room when you enter it. And you may not need to ask others because, well ... that's another story! ROFL
