Monday, May 10, 2010

Famous People Plan With Google Calendars

When we go from one year to another, we "turn" such-and-such an age. The “turning” part of my 54 odyssey is done-and-gone. No more turning to be had. I done did that this year. I’ve turned. It’s official, and all that’s left is to have the best-est year ever. That’s what being famous is about, isn’t it? Doing what you do best, enjoying the process, and being in love with every moment?

That’s my plan. Speaking of plans, have you used Google Calendars? I looked for years for a system that would feel natural, that I’d automatically use, that would be right there for me whenever something came up. I had every planner you could possibly imagine—leather, non-leather, large, small, with or without all sorts of nifty planning page ideas to keep me on track … and while they seemed logical, they required me to carry a large, bulky, physical piece of planning equipment wherever I went … and along with my handbag, the added piece didn’t work.

Then came electronics. I carry a phone, and my phone has bells and whistles. It has a calendar and I could add appointments there. It’s with me all the time but it requires me to be extraordinarily technically advanced—at least in my mind—and that wasn’t the ticket, either. Tessie Techno is not my style. It wasn’t natural, and that was the problem. An effective tool for any part of life should be an extension of routine.

I’m at my computer most of the day. When I’m out, I usually have a thin, inexpensive, utilitarian calendar book with me. I don’t use it to write down every single appointment, or everything that needs to be done. I use it as a way to carry a calendar I’ve already printed … from my Google online calendar system. I do jot down appointments in the planner when they come up and I’m away from my computer, only to add them to my Google calendar when I get back to my computer.

Google's system offers color coding for each type of appointment, giving an immediate sense of how much time is spent on whatever task. I add personal and professional tasks, points that need a date for future reference, special happenings, etc. I print out a calendar for each day and appointments/entries are color-coded so I’m aware of the different pockets of importance for that day. Also, being on the computer so much, I pull up my calendar in a window and keep it up all day, adding, changing, rearranging as needed. It shows on the screen as solid color—and I picked what colors I wanted for specific parts of my life—so it has become something I’m used to seeing and recognizing.

Everyone has a system. It’s taken me years to get to where my system works to the point that I’m uncomfortable if I don’t use it to stay on track with all the types of work I do each day, and various commitments. And even when traveling, all I do is pull up my Google calendar on my laptop and—POOF!— it’s in front of me.

Did we EVER accomplish anything before computers? Thanks, Google, for making it easier to be Famous at 54. Every little bit helps! Now, it’s time to finish writing that book, "A Maverick Life: The Jack Kelly Story" on famous Jack Kelly.

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